We know that our feline friends have always made great pets, and it’s easy to see why. They’re cute, cuddly, inquisitive, and help lower your stress (we promise, it’s true!). They also offer incredible companionship — and CBD can help play an important role in enhancing our relationship with them.
These four legged friends have complex personalities, just like people. And, if you’ve ever been around them for more than five minutes, you’ll know that they usually go one of two ways when they’re expressing their feelings. Shy kitties, who are cautious or easily spooked, try to stay hidden during stressful situations. Some can become aggressive and might lash out through hissing, biting, scratching, or even stalking when they feel threatened or stressed.
Big personalities aside, one thing is true for ALL felines: they are masters of disguise when it comes to pain or illness. As a top-tier predator, it’s in their best interest to avoid showing weakness. So, once you discover your furry friend is unwell, you can probably assume that the problem has been going on for a while.
How CBD affects your feline friend (and how to give it to them)
CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is known to affect things like digestion, anxiety, mood, discomfort, and sleep. This multifunctional supplement also promotes homeostasis, which helps the body function at its best.
In true Austin and Kat spirit, we created a specific Functional Wellness Oil to help them get all the benefits of CBD in one simple dose. Our Purrfect Feline Formula combines whole-plant hemp with the antioxidant support of astaxanthin, urinary tract support from cranberry extract, and skin and coat support from the sardine and pollock oil base.

Our wide variety of products from Everyday Wellness Oils for general health, to No More Wiggles Oil for high anxiety or fear reactions, Hip & Joint Oil to support the musculoskeletal system, and everything in between, means we’re here for your cat’s health and your peace of mind.
Whether you’re looking to help calm your kitty, ease pain, or boost their overall wellness, CBD is a safe, easy-to-use solution. And, if you’re looking for even more in-depth info on how to use it for your pet, you can check out our dosing guide.
Bonus! An interview with Becci from The Fetching Dog
Becci, one of our amazing retail partners from Fetching Dog in Scottsdale, has been using CBD with rescue felines for several years. As a self-proclaimed feline expert, she’s got the inside scoop on how to use CBD products with them and the kind of positive changes that can happen.
How did you first start using CBD for cats?
The cats that specifically drew me to Austin and Kat were 2 feral street kitties I took in that had been hit by cars and paralyzed. They needed help with behavior modification and pain management. I liked the cranberry along with the CBD in the Purrfect Feline Formula to support their urinary tract system and keep their colons healthy.
What benefits have you noticed in your pets from using CBD?
I’ve definitely seen positive shifts, and I was most impressed with the behavior change. Working with feral animals is a challenge. I put doses in their food because I’m not going to grab their mouth. Even though I put it in their food, I still see a fast response. They calm down so much faster with CBD than any other time I tried to slowly earn their trust.
How do you recommend using CBD with cats?
Overall, I prefer oils because I like the quick response. I just drop it right on top of their food and they gobble it right down. With chews, it’s tricky because some kitties can be finicky with texture or taste. I love having the option to use CBD with felines and the results I see in my adult rescues are awesome!
Find Your Happy, Healthy, Calm Purrfect Feline!
Go for it! Try an Austin and Kat CBD oil with your kitty. We’ve got what you need to support your best feline friend — and we’re always happy to help you find the right fit for them. Email us any time at hello@austinandkat.com for help, suggestions, or questions about using CBD for your pet.